Pretty Vicious – TOUR TIPS
In this Tour Tips segment, the rock band, Pretty Vicious, gives you their top tips for being on tour.

In this Tour Tips segment, the rock band, Pretty Vicious, gives you their top tips for being on tour. You can check out their tips and stream their newest single, Are You Entertained?, after the break.
1. Make sure you pack enough socks! There’s nothing worse than hopping around whichever city you’re in searching for a shop that sells socks. Always bring a spare pair, you can’t ever have enough.
2. Don’t forget to charge your phone! On tour be prepared to be hanging around for long periods of time waiting to go on stage. Life is made easier with a bit of phone charge to ease the boredom.
3. Don’t ever forget your headphones, like I do every single tour! You will be in the van for hours traveling with absolutely nothing to do. Headphones will make the trip fly by, otherwise, you’ll be staring out of the window for hours and hours.
4. Make sure you care for yourself mentally! Touring for a long period of time can wear you down so it’s cool to take some time to yourself and recharge. Too many people ignore this aspect of touring and it’s not healthy at all. Take some time for yourself to relax!
5. Call your loved ones often! Again, touring for a long period of time can wear you down and make you miss the people in your life back home. A quick call every now and again can go a long way for both you and the people you’re calling!
Keep up with the band on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
(Photo credit: Simon Sarin)