In this Tour Pranks segment, the hip hop artist, Prozak, share a prank from the road. You can read his story, after the break.

In this Tour Pranks segment, the hip hop artist, Prozak, share a prank from the road. You can read his story, after the break.
Warning! Tour pranks can be deadly! So it’s 2012, and I’m on tour with MGK and Tech N9ne (104 shows in 110 days). We arrived in Flag Staff AZ the night before our show which was deep in the woods at this outdoor festival. Now, two things would set the stage for this tour prank of mine gone very wrong… It was Friday the 13th, and it was a full moon. My merch guy Eddie was a horror obsessed Jason fanatic and would always hang a hockey mask in his bunk so I decided to borrow is and scare the hell out of some people. Dressed in black and hockey mask on my face I set out into the woods and sneaked around to MGK’s bus. Peeking from behind a tree I watched the bus for a moment to see who was around. I saw MGK and his crew standing around a small charcoal grill and enjoying a blunt. I slowly stepped out from behind the tree standing in true Jason form waiting for one of them to notice. Suddenly I watched them all freeze and stare in my direction for about a minute, it was so dark they were trying to decide if they were really seeing what they thought they were. I then stepped forward right in the path of the moonlight and the chaos began! They rushed Kells on the bus and people were scrambling everywhere… here’s where it gets crazy. MGK’s armed security is called over the radio and they come storming off the bus guns ready. I take off running back into woods (security close behind) and come across a brush pile, I laid down right next to it and pulled the pine branches over me going completely still. About 15 seconds later I hear the sound of radio chatter & glimpses of flashlight beams piercing the darkness all around me. They were so freaked out that trying to tell them “hey guys it’s just me” wasn’t something I was willing to gamble so I knew my only way out was to not…. move. Amazingly enough, they walked right up to where I was laying and began talking. They were convinced only a psychopath would be lurking in the forest at 3 am during a full Moon with a hockey mask on his face, and we’re talking about what they would do if they found him. Finally they went on, continuing the search for a masked madman. I waited a few more minutes for good measure and made my way back to my tour bus. The next day I texted MGK a picture of my hand holding the hockey mask. He promptly texted back “You crazy ass mufucka!!”