Rachael Bawn – TOUR TIPS

In this Tour Tips segment, the pop artist, Rachael Bawn, gives you her tips for being on tour.

Rachael Bawn – TOUR TIPS

In this Tour Tips segment, the pop artist, Rachael Bawn, gives you her tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.

1. Sleep when you can! Being on the road brings a lot early mornings, late nights, and uncomfortably long car rides. Taking naps in downtime, and taking advantage of early nights when possible is so helpful. I don’t like feeling tired, and with being exhausted comes getting sick, being moody and not being the best version of yourself. Rest is key, and the rest of your team will thank you for getting enough sleep and not being impatient and grumpy.
2. Drink lots of water! It keeps you stay hydrated, it helps with sleep and prevents sickness. On days that I’m singing I try to stay away from drinks and food that cause phlegm, so I drink a lot of herbal tea with honey, as well as water! I don’t normally drink enough water and constantly have to remind myself to. Sometimes there aren’t any healthy food options, so drinking water will help flush out all the junk.
3. Do vocal exercises before every performance! I will never perform without doing my exercises. It builds my vocal endurance and helps keep my voice in shape. It’s so important to take care of your instrument and to make sure you’re not straining your voice by singing without warming up. Once I’ve done my exercises I notice that my range, control, projection, and clarity are SO much better! One time I was doing my vocal exercises in the hotel before heading to the recording studio and someone next door was banging on the wall at me-but I needed to warm up and it was worth it haha!
4. Journal every day if you can! You forget details and things that happen along the way. Going from city to city can make things blur together in your memory. It’s such an adventure and writing about special moments, things that happened, how you were feeling or your interactions with people are so important to remember! I try to journal before bed every night while on tour. Going back and reading it later jogs your memory and reminds you of all of the amazing things that happened and people you met. I write about the ups and downs, it’s all a part of the experience and I want to remember everything, especially because it means I’ve been living my dream!
5. Call home, call your friends and stay in touch with the people you love. FaceTime and Skype make it so much easier. I have a huge family and being on tour means I miss birthdays, my niece’s and nephew’s school plays or sports, holidays and other milestones. It’s a sacrifice to be away from the people that are important, so staying in touch makes me feel as though I haven’t missed out on the big things when they can fill me in and keep me updated. I also call my sister or best friend when I’m feeling overwhelmed when I’m exhausted when I’m sad or frustrated. I vent and get support over the phone so that I don’t take things out on my road team.
Find the things that help you stay sane, and allow you to always be the best version of yourself in any situation. Being an artist is a journey that’s not always easy, but it’s worth it.

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