Radiation City – TOUR TIPS
This new set of Tour Tips was written by the Portland, OR based band, Radiation City. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.

This new set of Tour Tips was written by the Portland, OR based band, Radiation City. You can check out their tips for being on the road, after the break.
1. Always pack less than you think. Space inside a tour vehicle (at least at our level) is precious. Too much crap only makes it harder to breathe. You will need a place to sleep. (see #3)
2. Buy bottles of booze where it’s cheap and hang onto them. Often times you are given drink tickets, but for well booze which will definitely give you a headache and mist likely you will run out. So splurge and get a couple bottles at the liquor store. You’ll have some for the after party as well.
3. Sleep will happen, but mostly while driving. It’s likely you won’t have the best accommodations after the show, especially when you fit five people in a living room. You deal with it, but realize the importance of napping while driving. If you don’t get sleep, you will not be nice.
4. Be prepared for bad coffee. There will be towns that don’t have the fine Stumptown grounds we are lucky to have in Portland, and there will be nights where you’re driving straight through and all the gas station with one pump has is artificially, hazelnut flavored “coffee”. A step above cowboy coffee, but still shit. Do yourself a favor and bring a plastic French press and some pre-ground coffee. You can use the hot water lever on the fake coffee machine in the gas station. This will save your life if you were unable to get that nap in earlier.
5. Have an ample amount of music. Tapes, cds(?), an adapter for your pod. You will drive through Texas at some point. There is a long stretch of nothing. Music, of course, will get you through this.
Keep up with the band on Facebook and Twitter!
Do you think these tips would be useful while on tour? Which tip is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!