Radio Valley – DREAM TOUR
In this Dream Tour segment, the indie folk duo, Radio Valley, reveals who they would want on their ultimate tour lineup.

In this Dream Tour segment, the indie folk duo, Radio Valley, reveals who they would want on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out their picks, after the break.
Well, we’re supposed to write about our dream tour that could be anywhere, with anyone, dead or alive, but our dream tour would actually be our first tour that we haven’t had yet.
So here comes our maybe not so lushes dream tour.
It would start on a cold November morning, we’re packing our rental car with instruments, gear, and a box of newly pressed vinyls.
Heading south on the highway we’re filled with nervous excitement while singing along to our favorite songs. We’re stopping at a gas station getting some coffee as the sun rises from behind the treetops to slowly warm up the landscape.
In the car we discuss the setlist and places we want to visit, just laughing at our stupid jokes like we always do. On our way to play small clubs in Europe, the first stop is Berlin.
Daniel is getting irritated because he can’t find a parking space and Josefin is getting confused about something…like always.
The soundcheck is delayed and we’re left with twenty minutes, but it feels like three minutes, barely having the time to think whether we hear ourselves properly.
The pulse is high, 15 minutes left and Daniel is trying to soothe his nerves by pacing through the room, while Josefin is panicking…like always.
We’re getting up on stage, frightened by the lights and the bad tuning on Daniel’s guitar, but we sharpen ourselves and start to play the first song.
It’s a thrill hearing our music loud. Really loud. The songs start to feel brand new again and we look at each other like this is the moment we’ve been waiting for.
It may not be fancy and all, but the best tours aren’t always the biggest and coolest. If you’ve made it through the text this far, thank you and we hope you enjoy our music.