Raegan Leilani - PRESHOW RITUALS

Join us as Raegan Leilani tells you what she does to prepare for taking the stage.

Raegan Leilani - PRESHOW RITUALS

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the pop jazz artist, Raegan Leilani, reveals what she does before taking the stage. You can check out the rituals below:

Preparing for a show is an entire experience for me, one that starts well before I step on stage. I usually begin hydrating the day before, ensuring my vocal cords are in top shape. I try to get all the gig details to the guys a few days prior, but if I happen to forget, I’ll give them the rundown the morning of. Gathering all my gear the night before is also a must, because otherwise, I get nightmares about leaving something behind.

On the day of the show, I stick to a routine that helps me feel grounded. I start with some lip trills, followed by vocal warm-ups to wake up my diaphragm and work through all the vowels with vocal runs. I also aim to finish three Owala bottles, which adds up to 96 ounces of water. Staying hydrated is key, and I add throat coat tea and Waterboy electrolytes to the mix to keep my voice in top shape. If I’m lucky, I can squeeze in a nap, during which I listen to a recording of our last performance. This helps me get in the zone and think about how I can improve for this show.

A lot of people avoid eating before a show, and I followed suit for a while, but I’ve learned that I do better when I’m full. So, I like to have a meal before showtime. One funny thing about being 20 is that I usually have to leave the venue after soundcheck, so the band and I have made it a tradition to grab a bite together before we go on. It’s become one of my favorite parts of show day.

I’ve also started taking an Advil before the show because, with all the singing and adrenaline, I tend to get migraines afterward. This small change has been a game-changer, allowing me to come home and crash without the headache. The morning after a show, I like to journal about how it went. I do this because it’s easy to completely forget a show, but these are really important times that I don’t want to forget! It also helps me keep a realistic and positive perspective. I like to look at every show as an opportunity for manifesting, especially because a lot of my shows end up on full moon nights! Sticking to this routine not only keeps me focused but also ensures that I’m always prepared to deliver my best performance. I hope to see you at one!

Keep up with Raegan Leilani on her website, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube.