RaisedbyWolvvs – PRESHOW RITUALS
In this Preshow Rituals segment, the alternative rock artist, RaisedbyWolvvs, reveals what he does before taking the stage.

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the alternative rock artist, RaisedbyWolvvs, reveals what he does before taking the stage. You can check out the rituals, after the break.
On the day of the show, Most of my band/ team has known each other since we were kids, so we mob together to the venue. My band and I will hit a smoke then meditate. I want everyone to be focused but it’s still about good energy. Some of my essentials to have in the green room are of course whiskey, spliffs/ weed, and some fruits and veggies. I’m plant-based and so is most of the band, meaning vegan snacks are important for us before hitting the stage!
Along with vocal exercises, I’m an advocate for breath work to help open up my airways and for focus. After soundcheck, I do exercises from my breathwork coach (Lukis Mac) followed by some chanting with the band to get us right. Some acts get too serious before a show but the band and I like to keep it fun and give that energy to the crowd.
Right before I go on stage, we do a little prayer circle and take a shot of whiskey and smoke a cigarette – it’s all in the universe’s hands now!
Keep up with him on Instagram.