The Real Fits – DREAM TOUR
In this Dream Tour segment, the alternative rock band, The Real Fits, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

In this Dream Tour segment, the alternative rock band, The Real Fits, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.
We’ve got a handful of band crushes that we just can’t seem to shake. We have been considering the idea of going full blown stocker status, but writing about it may make us feel a little better.
Our #1 band love that we can all agree on is a tie between Tame Impala and Local Natives. Both of these acts know how to create powerful music that inspires and influences our songwriting every day. We were able to catch both of them live earlier this year and both performances were some of our favorites. Ever. Easily. To be able to perform alongside either of these acts would be a dream come true.
Some of our other favorites include Alabama Shakes, Alt-J, and Wolf Alice. Brittney Howard treats every performance as if it was her last. She lays it all on the line. Thom Green lays down the most creative, stripped-down, bad ass drum beats of anyone out there. Wolf Alice as a whole represents the best qualities of a rock band. They rock their asses off making music the best kind of way, with a couple of guitars, bass, drums and a vocalist that can cut through and lead the chaos with charisma.
Each one of these bands influences our style, whether consciously or sub-consciously, it’s happening. If we got asked to play a show let alone tour with any of these acts, we would drop everything and go. It’s our dream to spend our days on the road playing to a different crowd every night. All these bands have inspired us to feel this way and keep us motivated day in and day out.