Restorations – TOUR TIPS
Philadelphia punk band, Restorations, have written a set of Tour Tips for you guys to learn from. You can check them out after the break.
Philadelphia punk band, Restorations, have written a set of Tour Tips for you guys to learn from. You can check them out after the break.
1. Always be nice to the sound guy. 9 times out of 10, thats the most interesting person in the room and will make you sound like a much better band than you are. After the crowd turns on you, he’ll be the one drinking beers with you and talking shit on the other bands telling you about the time he roadied for Hall and Oates.
2. NO COMPLAINING. You’re the one that wanted to quit your job to sit in a smelly deathtrap to drive 15 hours a day to play to 10 people. Suck it up.
3. Talk to people. Don’t be the guys that sit in the van all night. Remember: people walked a mile in the snow after a shitty day of work to see your stupid band. The least you can do is say hello.
4. Don’t jock the cool bands. Its embarrassing and everybody is watching you do it on Twitter.
5. Wash the dishes at the house you are staying at. Cook food for the people who let you stink up their house. Leave a thank you note. Clean the bathroom.
Make sure to check out Restorations on Facebook and Twitter.