This crazy story from the road was written by the singer songwriter, Richy Nix. You can check out their story, after the break.


This crazy story from the road was written by the singer songwriter, Richy Nix. You can check out their story, after the break.

I was on tour in a busted up motor home…it was our own ghetto tour bus. After playing a gig in Hartford, CT we decided to go for a drink after the show. We couldn’t find a bar for miles, but eventually we found this creepy building.

It looked like something straight out of a horror film and turns out it was a biker bar/strip club/ trucker stop type of deal. Gave me a total “From Dusk till Dawn” vibe. So, most of us hop off the bus and walk in. The place was big and dark. There were a couple of weird looking dudes drinking at tables or at the bar. The strippers looked like zombies. Some had missing teeth, others even had missing limbs!! We decided to get our own table and order some beers. We all felt pretty creeped out…but intrigued enough to stay.

The drinks were so cheap and, boy, did the old lady—opless and sagging down to her belly button—serve ‘em strong! After starting to feel the effects of the booze, the DJ announced that the next hour is $1 dances! Are you kiddin’ me? So my roadies thought it would be funny to give the strippers with missing teeth and missing limbs $10 each to go dance for some of my band mates.

We all sat around laughin’ at their faces as they try to turn down a dance that’s already been paid for and these armless, toothless strippers weren’t going to take a freebie—they wanted to earn that $10 and, boy, did they! Haha!

When we got back on the bus we had quite a story for the few boys who stayed back.

Keep up with Richy Nix on Twitter and Facebook!