The Rise of the Broken – TOUR TIPS

In this Tour Tips segment, Kevin Rodriguez of the alternative rock band, The Rise of the Broken, gives you his tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.

The Rise of the Broken – TOUR TIPS

In this Tour Tips segment, Kevin Rodriguez of the alternative rock band, The Rise of the Broken, gives you his tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.

Touring is not for everyone. It can be hectic, dirty, stressful, but so fun as well. Some of the best things I’ve gotten to keep on my checklist every tour is my following list:

1. Look up and sign up because they host touring bands for FREE! I cannot stress enough to sign up and get approved to use it because having a nice home with beds, bathrooms and home cooked meals is always a blessing on tour.

2. If you have to stay in the van to sleep, make sure everyone is considerate of one another and don’t pass gas… Especially not after eating Chinese, please.

3. Mouthwash is a must. You might not be able to brush your teeth because you’re lazy or self-conscious to do it in public with a bottled water, at least mouthwash helps cleanse that up just a bit. Your band mates will appreciate that a lot.

4. Download Gas Buddy or Gas Guru app. Those apps help so much to find cheaper gas on the road, and if you’re an up and coming band that hasn’t toured much, saving as much on gas can be what makes a tour or breaks it.

5. And finally, always thank everyone who helps you out on the road. Whether it is the promoter, local bands, fans, host homes, or anyone who lent a hand. A thank you can go a long way and it will keep doors open for next time.

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