Saint Diablo – 1st ROAD BLOG from In This Moment’s Fall Tour
Siant Diablo will be doing an exclusive Road Blog for us while they are supporting In This Moment’s fall tour, which also is supported by 3 Pill Morning. The first entry detailing out the pre-tour and first 4 days of…

Siant Diablo will be doing an exclusive Road Blog for us while they are supporting In This Moment’s fall tour, which also is supported by 3 Pill Morning. The first entry detailing out the pre-tour and first 4 days of the tour can be seen after the break.
Tour Blog Oct 15-22
We start our way to El Paso, TX. To join the tour with In This Moment. Though it is a long drive (1900 miles) we are stoked to be able to be apart of such a tour with a band like In This Moment. We pack the van and trailer with gear and supplies and make our way. We decided to take the most southern rout. After two days of straight driving we make it to El Paso a day early. The weather is warm and nice! So we decide to check out the local spots around us, talk to some people tell them what’s up and get them to come out to the show. Most of them already knew about the show and were going to come!!! After spending a few hours chilin with the locals we need to go to Walmart and pick up a few things and also maybe camp out in the parking lot for the nite. As we walk in to the Walmart this older guy with a cowboy hat and boots straight falls on his ass!! Losing his hat a boot and everything he was carrying! As everyone tried to not laugh another gentlemen helped him up and he seemed ok. Pretty funny right off the bat.
Camping out in a Walmart parking lot you will see a lot of interesting things for sure. As we eating by our van a lady was driving passed us. She was looking over at us and as she was she drove right over the curb and into the guardrail! We are still not sure what she was looking at really. Guess she has never seen a bunch of dudes dressed in black eating before!! Haha!!
1st show (Oct 19)
At the Speaking Rock ENT. Center in El Paso TX. It’s a pretty sick venue! Big room and stage. Load in goes well and smooth. Being able to watch ITM sound check is a great thrill. Watching how it all goes together for them and how they work out the bugs is pretty amazing. We learn a lot watching other bands. With no local band opening the show we are to go on first for the night. As we sound check and get everything in order we are amazed at how cool everyone from the venue is. From the bartender to the sound crew to the loaders. Everyone really cool!
Lights are low, crowd is screaming right out the gate! We get on stage and start melting faces!!! The sound on stage is killer! The crowd was feeding us with their energy! After every song the crowd was so loud! The feeling you get from that is exhilarating! We crush it!!!
At our merch table after our set was packed with new fans and people wanting to meet and hang out with us! So many cool ass people the stories you hear from them can fill books. This is why we do this! We are reminded by it every time someone comes up to us and says ” you guys kicked ass” or “sick show”!!
2nd show, (Oct 20)
Q&A in Gallup NM. Load in and sound check was a lil stressful. The local openers drummer didn’t show up to the club so they didn’t get to play. Sux, we wanted to hear them. We get up there and killed it! The crowd was moshing to our tunes and we had a lot of fan really liking the songs we did in spanish. A lil to much on the fog machine, haha! But it was a killer show with awsum fans! They were insane! It’s a small town so they really get down with the bands that come thru and are all about the music!
3rd show, (Oct 21)
Jack’s in Lubbock, TX. SOLD OUT! Killer club, staff really cool and helpful. Big stage with a sweet PA. We were busy at the merch table before the show even started. Tons of cool fans wanting sum merch and just to talk to us. Pretty cool! Right before doors we were told that the show was sold out and that it was going to b a crazy nite. So we were stocked to hear that. Lubbock TX knows how to party. We get on stage and the place is going nuts. It was real cool to have some of ITM come out to watch our set! They all are really cool!! Back at the merch table we were slammed all night taking Jager pix and talking to new fans! We ended the night chillin in the van driving t the next town. We had a day off and we tried to get as much rest as possible. We are going to need it!!!
(Oct 22) Day Off
The shows have been insane! The crowds even more insane. We are meeting so many cool people. The Jager is Flowing! ITM is crushing every night! Yeah sure the drives have been taxing but this is what we do! We keep our selves active on the road we are always cracking jokes on each other we keep it pretty lite. We live for this! We are having the time of our lives!!
Stay tuned…
Saint Diablo