In this Preshow Rituals segment, the alternative artist, Samsaruh, shares what she does before every show.

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the alternative artist, Samsaruh, shares what she does before every show. You can check out her rituals, after the break.
Anyone who has seen a Samsaruh pre-show warm-up knows that me and my band get really ridiculous in doing some of the dumbest, silliest things… it’s a ton of fun and always makes a highlight of the show.
Usually, about an hour or longer before the show, I’ll be getting ready backstage, clothes/makeup/hair all those things. I’ll be most likely going over the setlist in my head whilst doing all of this. Then I’ll start warming up my voice, doing all those weird sounds that vocalists make before a show. Then about half an hour before the set when my band dudes are all ready and myself too, we’ll start the real pre-show rituals. We have this thing where we always walk in a circle before the show, either yelling out useless stuff at each other or harmonizing like we’re being abducted by aliens or something lame like that I guess. Sometimes the circle turns into a square if we’re feeling different or sometimes I’ll make it a triangle to annoy my guitarist Jordy, he hates doing triangles and I honestly am not sure why. There’s no real explanation to our pre-show weirdness but I guess it kind of keeps us in a “not taking things too seriously” mental state which I think is important to have as a performer sometimes as people are always judging you especially when being a support act and trying to win over a crowd.
We also sometimes do our breakfast club dance routine if we feel like it, my theory behind that would probably be that it gets us working as a team as we get pretty synchronized with the moves. I recently put up a tour video on my YouTube where you can see me and my guitarist, Jordy doing our traditional dance.
Just before I head up on stage, me and my band members have a special handshake thing we do, they then walk up on stage to start the intro and get ready.. then I head up on stage and start the show!
Keep up with the artist on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
(Photo credit: Jordan Munns)