Sara Diamond – DREAM TOUR

In this Dream Tour segment, the contemporary R&B artist, Sara Diamond, reveals who she would want on her ultimate tour lineup.

Sara Diamond

In this Dream Tour segment, the contemporary R&B artist, Sara Diamond, reveals who she would want on her ultimate tour lineup. You can check out her picks and stream her newest single, Crash, after the break.

When I think of my dream tour the first thing that comes to mind is a North American tour with my closest family and friends. It would be such a meaningful experience – not only to myself but also to the people who I hold close to my heart. Translating that into what my dream tour would look like is what follows:
Briannah Donolo
The tour kicks off with Briannah Donolo, an incredible artist from my hometown of Montreal, Canada. Bri has been a close friend for years and our chemistry both personality-wise and musically is already so strong that going on tour together would be incredible. I know she would bring an incredible energy to the experience as a whole.
Daniel Ceaser
Next up would be Daniel Ceaser, one of the most inspiring artists that I know of. I am absolutely in love with his vibe both in his music and even more importantly, on stage. He is one of those people that when you’re in the same room, you can tell that he vibrates at a crazy high frequency. The first time I saw him perform, I had this innate feeling that came over me and I kind of just knew that we would one day share the stage together and it would be a magical moment.
Khelani has been such an enormous influence in my career for so many reasons, a lot of which are actually more personal in nature than musically. Her honesty in addition to the fact that she is so candid with her fans, both through social media and through her music, is inspirational. She helped me keep going when music and life got tough. Anyone who posses that level of empathy and understanding is someone I know I would see eye-to-eye with and have an incredible time working with.

Keep up with her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!