In this Preshow Rituals segment, the alternative rock band, Shakes, share what they do before every show. You can check out their rituals, after the break.

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In this Preshow Rituals segment, the alternative rock band, Shakes, share what they do before every show. You can check out their rituals, after the break.

It always feels fresh sharing your music with people in a live context. There’s always an element of ‘this might not work’ which keeps everything exciting. To counter the nerves and any anxious thoughts before we play we usually find a quiet spot to reflect on the set before you. We don’t really drink before our set because we want to give it the best we can & in our experience alcohol (or maybe just too much) takes away from building anything worth remembering during that time on stage.
We usually do some vocal warm-ups and sing something acapella together. Sometimes its one of our chorus or a favorite song of ours, lately it’s been ‘hey Jude’ by the Beatles.
Generally, we don’t huddle or anything before a show but a high-fives are usually given out.

Keep up with the band on Facebook and Twitter!

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