Sisters – DREAM TOUR

In this Dream Tour segment, the indie pop duo, Sisters, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

Sisters – DREAM TOUR

In this Dream Tour segment, the indie pop duo, Sisters, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

Our dream tour would be a blown up version of our “Friends with SISTERS” show model, which is basically one big super-group that collaborates on new material and performs each others’ tunes together. Some future members of our super-group would likely be Annie Clark (St. Vincent), Merrill Garbus (Tune-Yards), Paul Bender (Hiatus Kaiyote), all of Fleetwood Mac, Kendrick Lamar, and we could throw in Whitney Houston for good measure. They don’t have to be living, right?
The idea is that we have an explosive performance on the road each night, but we also get to compose together on the reg through our travels. Potentially, by the end of the tour, we will have written at least 25 new albums that we can perform globally. Maybe at this time we would try and add David Copperfield to the line-up to perform magical feats as we accompany. Our show will soon overtake Cirque Du Soleil as the hottest ticket in the world.
We will do this tour for several years until we settle into a steady life of luxury in Vegas.

Keep up with the duo on Facebook and Twitter!

(Photo credit: Josie Simonet)

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