Skyhaven – TOUR TIPS
In this Tour Tips segment, the electronic rock band, Skyhaven, recommends advice for being a musician on the road.

In this Tour Tips segment, the electronic rock band, Skyhaven, recommends advice for being a musician on the road. You can check out the tips, after the break.
1. I know everyone says it, but BABYWIPES! You’d be surprised how much dirt and grime gets tracked into the vehicle, especially during winter shows. When it’s hot, you’re sweating, and the seats in the van are leather… it’s just a mess. But seriously keeping yourself and your space clean, sanitized, and smelling good is a huge thing to keep your sanity on tour. We would call each other out if someone was stinky, hoarding fast food bags, things along those lines.
2. Always have a co-captain to keep you awake/ alert when driving, especially at night. There were so many times where the person driving started getting drowsy, and honestly, we think that we definitely would not have made all of those overnight drives safely if we didn’t have someone in the passenger seat making sure the driver was on top of it, alert, and awake.
3. If you have any dietary restrictions/ lactose issues, do not push it when you’re sharing a small space with a bunch of dudes for a month. Seriously, don’t.
4. Bring a passport everywhere you go, especially bars. That avoids a lot of issues with out-of-state IDs. Generally in the city, bartenders are suspicious of any ID coming out of state or even out of the country. Especially when all of us are bordering the legal drinking age. No one has a fake passport, so it really makes 21+ activities a lot easier and less of a hassle.
5. Space/time away from each other is good. You’re with the same dudes for usually a month at a time. Go out to eat by yourself sometimes, go explore the city. You have all night to hang out with your bandmates, it always helps to take yourself out of it for a few hours sometimes! Half the battle of touring is keeping your mental health in check.