In this First Concert Ever segment, the rock artist, Stevie Burr, talks about his first concert ever.

In this First Concert Ever segment, the rock artist, Stevie Burr, talks about his first concert ever. You can check out the feature, after the break.
The first concert I ever saw was Oasis when I was about 18 years old. I remember being nervous for some reason. I remember getting to the festival hall in Melbourne and standing in line thinking am I actually here about to see Oasis. It felt so surreal.
Me and a few mates gave our tickets, walked through the doors and there were people just flooding in. I thought to myself shit OMG. We tried getting as close to the front as we possibly could. The backing band finished playing I could see in the darkness a bit going on up on the stage stuff getting set-up.
Then the whole entire place erupted and started chanting Oasis, Oasis, Oasis. Then I remember hearing the intro to “What’s The Story Morning Glory” and Liam Gallagher walks out being the rock star that he is and started singing. I had never felt a feeling like that in my life. It is something I will never forget and from that day on I had dreams of playing my own songs in front of a crowd that knew them and was singing them. That would be a feeling no amount of money could buy and no drug on this planet could ever give you.
It was one of the best experience of my life, just watching them do the thing they love to do the most and that’s play music.
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