In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the indie rock band, Sticky Fingers, shares one of their stories from being on tour.

Sticky Fingers

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the indie rock band, Sticky Fingers, shares one of their stories from being on tour. You can get the details of the story and listen to their newest single, Loose Ends, after the break.

For those who don’t know, a “sleeper bus” is more or less a house on wheels complete with bunk beds, a living room, kitchen, along with a friend circle turnt gang of psychopaths… Many bands opt for this style a tourin’ in hope of a good nights sleep while your driver pushes on through the night. It’s never really worked out that way for us …
Don’t get me wrong now. I’ve had some o’ the best times of my life on those damn things. We’ve also had some utterly terrible run-ins. Surrounded by cops wielding sworn off shotguns in the snowy mountains of Banff. Following the false lead, our party was playing around with a gun on board.
On one run we went through 5 drivers in two weeks. They all went mad. The last of em crashed the damn thing in New York City and abandoned us. Ended up having to drive the busted up rig ourselves to all the way to Philly to make a show on time.
Post-show in Montreal a few years back. We had a bunch of people on board the bus celebrating our completion of that particular tour. Beaks noticed a shifty character a lurkin’. Suddenly this fella grabs a laptop on the couch and goes for the door. Beaks jump up after him and manage to pull the guy back by his shirt, just as a car comes speeding past and takes the bus door clear off! There’s a lotta mixed emotion in the room now, I’m sure you understand. This fella tryna rob us ya see but Beaks ends up saving his life! We’re holding him down. Figure we better call the cops. Fella screaming but we don’t understand a word of French. All the local girls onboard laughing.
“What’s he saying’?”
“He says he is a big gangster mother fucker and he’s gonna kill all of you.”
We never saw that guy again but cheers for the story pal.

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