In this Dream Tour segment, the alternative pop band, STITCH, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup.

In this Dream Tour segment, the alternative pop band, STITCH, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.
Daft Punk
All of our tour line-ups share the same philosophies: bigger is better, and write the music you want. They all make a massive sound with three or fewer members, have utterly unique identities and put on the most ass-kicking/spell-binding/ life-changing/face-melting/ mind-blowing shows.
Eurythmics would kick everything off. Their defining synth-pop sound would immediately captivate the audience and Annie Lennox would destroy with her perfect voice and no-f***s-given attitude. She’s somewhat of a hero to us for being an LGBT ambassador too.
Muse is our live-show heroes. The ambition and scale of their theatrical rock magic is pretty much unsurpassable! We love the way Matt Bellamy not only architects the bulk of the show but then absolutely commands the stadium with operatic screams and guitar-strutting glory. Epic.
Daft Punk would close! We just really want to see their faces.
In all seriousness, we appreciate the way they fuse electronic and organic music; they do what they want at any given time, taking influence from whatever genre they feel will create the best and most varied, eclectic record. It’s amazing that they use raw, real session musicians at every opportunity and, perhaps above all, we love how they refused to play Coachella year upon year, waiting for them to finance one of the most incredible live performances ever witnessed by man at Coachella ’06. Our minds would be blown.