In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the indie folk sibling duo, Strandels, shares one of their crazy stories from being on tour.

In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the indie folk sibling duo, Strandels, shares one of their crazy stories from being on tour. You can check out the story and stream their newest single, Need Your Love, after the break.
We were on tour with Per Gessle (Roxette) and had a gig at Grebbestad just outside of Gothenburg. We were just about to play and finished with our soundcheck and we were hanging out backstage. Then Sixten remembers that he had forgotten his in-ears, 10 minutes before we were going on stage! He decided to run out and get them at the hotel on the other side of the concert area. So Sixten runs, and Tova and our guitarist Elias Bellman are just standing behind the stage, patiently waiting for him – when the crew is calling ‘Strandels – you are going on stage in 5 minutes’. Sixten then remembers that he has left his cellphone and backstage pass backstage and when he tries to go backstage the security guards have no idea who he is. So he has to stand there and yell at them that he is one of the artists that are going to play in 2 minutes but they don’t budge. He then runs to Per Gessles tour manager that is far away and has to borrow his backstage pass – and he is not happy about it! Meantime, Tova and Bellman are standing backstage completely freaking out – and the crew says “You have to play without him”. Both Tova and Bellman are like – no we are not doing it without him, he is 50% of the band. At LAST Sixten finally arrives with 2 seconds to spare – but he made it! He definitely learned his lesson after this!