Surrender The Fall – TOUR TIPS
This set of Tour Tips was written by Devin Hightower, the bassist for the Tennessee based rock band, Surrender The Fall. You can check out his tips for touring, after the break.
This set of Tour Tips was written by Devin Hightower, the bassist for the Tennessee based rock band, Surrender The Fall. You can check out his tips for touring, after the break.
1. First and most importantly, invest in boxes of baby wipes! For touring musicians showers aren’t accessible a lot of the time, so baby wipes are a must have.
2. B12 shot. For those who tour by bus or van, you know that when one person gets sick you all get sick. B12 shots also help with the much needed energy for the rigors of the road.
3. Do your best to be nice and friends with everyone you’re touring with. Whether they are in your band or one of the bands you’re out with, they are you family for the duration of the tour.
4. Networking. Talk to everyone, you never know who you will meet and who can help you in the future.
5. Don’t touch the bunk socks.
Keep up with Surrender The Fall on Facebook and Twitter!
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