Join us as TAKE HOLD gives you some tips for being on tour.


In this Tour Tips segment, the melodic hardcore band, TAKE HOLD, recommends advice for being a musician on the road. You can check out the tips below:

1. Snack selection is paramount. Stock up early in the day and make sure you consider the range of junk foods you're going to need throughout the day. Bear in mind you might need to play a show at the other end, though.

2. Tunes are equally paramount. Hardcore bands, pay attention: listening to nothing but hardcore and metal in an enclosed space for six plus hours gets fucking exhausting and you need to mix it up. Make sure you have a variety of easy listening mixed in with the heavier stuff, your brain will thank you. With power over the aux cable comes great responsibility.

3. No matter how good your onboard entertainment is, there is never going to be a better way to kill time than spinning stupid yarns for hours on end. You never know the weirdos you're with until you wile away a quarter of a day on chewing up the miles with would-you-rather bullshit. Some of them could be the best conversations you ever have.

Keep up with TAKE HOLD on their website, Instagram, and Facebook.