Ted Poley (of Danger Danger) – TOUR PRANKS
In this Tour Pranks segment, the rock artist, Ted Poley, shares some pranks that have happened on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.

In this Tour Pranks segment, the rock artist, Ted Poley, shares some pranks that have happened on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.
I did a solo tour a couple of years ago with my friends Bang Tango and Enuff Znuff and we were all pretty merciless on Bang Tango’s guitar player at the time. He is a really nice guy but we wouldn’t resist filling his tour bus bunk with every leftover piece of food and crap and whatever else we could find. Dirty underpants were stuffed under the pillowcase on day 1 and they stayed there until the final day a month later. He slept over me and eventually I had to stuff plastic shopping bags into the crevices above me to stop the stench from tickling down. Funny thing is, he didn’t seem to mind,or even notice.
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