The Habits – DREAM TOUR

In this Dream Tour segment, the alternative band, The Habits, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup.

The Habits – DREAM TOUR
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In this Dream Tour segment, the alternative band, The Habits, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

Putting together a dream tour might be one of the hardest questions we’ve ever answered. We each love all different styles of music and there are so many great artists out there that we would love to see share the stage, but since we’re reduced to four acts, here it is!
First up, we gotta throw us on there. We could never pass up the opportunity to play with some of our favorite artists! Setting the vibe for the rest of the night would be one of the most incredible experiences we could have as a band!
Next up, The 1975. Bringing the darker side of pop/rock to the forefront, they’ll get everyone ready to fall in love with one another. They have this incredible way of bringing their fanbase together that amazes and us. It’s a prime example of how music brings together a group of mostly strangers and turns them into a family.
Then, with a blistering punch to the gut, Cage The Elephant rolls out. This band continues to inspire us by putting out some of the most unique and creative songs. They’ve consistently been amazing since album number one and we collectively look to them for inspiration with our own band. Their live show is incredible! The stage presence, crowd surfing, and Mick Jagger vibe thrown out all over the place, it’s all so exhilarating. Definitely, a hard act to follow.
LORDE is our headliner. She’s raw, innovative, and can murder a stage like no other. Her songs come from a deeply personal place which is something we always endeavor to accomplish in each of our songs. She’d take you through the ups and downs of love, heartache, and would be a perfect closer for a night of incredible music!

Keep up with the band on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

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