The Liza Colby Sound – TOUR TIPS for Packing

In this Tour Tips segment, the rock ‘n roll band, The Liza Colby Sound, give you their tips for being on tour.

The Liza Colby Sound – TOUR TIPS for Packing

In this Tour Tips segment, the rock ‘n roll band, The Liza Colby Sound, give you their tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.

Avoiding a Pack-Attack 101:
8 guys one girl. This isn’t the start of a dirty movie. This is the start of The Dirty Sweet Sound Tour part deux.
Options are for home. Uniform is for tour. Say it with me now “Leather, Hoodie, Jeans, Chucks” and in my case leotards.
This is as important an item as your ax. Let’s have Charly Roth (my drummer) break down it’s uses for us:
Seat cushion
Blackout blinds
Neck brace (after those gnarly bang-overs)
And it conveniently goes perfectly with your leather, jeans, and chucks. (see below)
It’s there for warmth but it’s the essence of cool. Let’s be honest it’s synonymous with being on the road and rock ‘n’ roll. The perfect leather makes you skinnier, taller, your boobs bigger, your dick longer, it’s a groupie magnet, it protects you from the elements while making you look like a bad ass while you’re doing it.
Brando, Ramones, need I say more. Sam Harris (bass player of The Sweet Things) finds himself to be a tad bitter when it comes to this topic. So I write this part in secrecy (which in my world is under a sheet in bed on my iPhone while I can hear him chattering on the bed next to mine. He has yet to find “THAT JACKET”. And in his own words “Anyone who owns THAT JACKET knows what I’m talking about”. For those of you who don’t know of what he speaks of here’s the scoop: In rock n roll, there is probably nothing cooler than THAT JACKET. THAT (perfectly fitted, perfectly worn in, leather-lined-and-ultra-shined motorcycle) JACKET. Lapel’s fer miiiles, baby. Check out the poster for the ’82 movie ‘Hey Good Lookin’’ by Ralph Backshi, that’s what I’m talkin bout. It just drips cool. And you know THAT JACKET when you see it, too. And its pure copulation when you put it on and turns you right into a cuckold when worn by anyone else. All I know was that seeing Johnny Thunders twirl around (albeit with the grace of a tweaked out aqua netted tornado), all black hair and black leather, with a white Vox Teardrop… That could have been my “I gotta do this moment.”
Stay with me now, if there was a food pyramid for clothes Jeans would be the foundation. If you don’t have a pair of jeans packed in your overnight bag or suitcase you might as well have stayed home. When you find your pair, good jeans can make up for bad genes. Plus you can wear em every single day for months without washing em. My guitarist, Tom McCaffrey, says “Jeans clean themselves, like two monkeys picking bugs out of each others hair. Except instead of two monkeys, it’s one pair of jeans, and you just get used to how bad they probably smell.”
In the wise words of the Wu-Tang Clan: “you gotta get some chuckers fucker”
Tried and true. Classic and cool. They really round out the tour uniform. Chucks are the finishing touch. Chucks, much like a fancy fine wine, get better with dirtiness. Don’t get mad about the boys scuffin your new shoes up because they’re doing you a favor.
5. Leotard
My suit of armor of choice for LCS. They combine flexibility, style, and a hidden arsenal of real laser beams that shoot deep into the libido of audience members, causing intense feelings of arousal. When combined with the deep grooves from the band, they leave the venue with a need to invest in dehumidifiers the next day from the must left in the air from last night’s audience. Dave, the lead singer for The Sweet Things, will usually steal a leotard from my suitcase and try it on. Without anyone else in agreement that his ability to pull off the look matches mine, he confines himself to the bathroom mirror, making kissy faces for a few hours at a time. This often holds up the schedule for the tour bus. But if anyone understands that need I do.

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