The Neighbourhood – TOUR TIPS

This set of Tour Tips was written by Bryan Sammis of the California based alternative band, The Neighbourhood. You can check out his tips for touring, after the break.

The Neighbourhood – TOUR TIPS

This set of Tour Tips was written by Bryan Sammis of the California based alternative band, The Neighbourhood. You can check out his tips for touring, after the break.

1.Do NOT get sick:
-With loads of travel and little sleep it’s easy for your immune system to let some sicknesses through. I would suggest bringing some emergen-c/airborne on the road & eating relatively healthy.

2.Bring a Frisbee:
-Ok, so it doesn’t have to be a frisbee, but that is The NBHD’s weapon of choice. Other options include: football, baseball, etc… You can have a lot of down time, and it’s easy to become complacent and want to just stay in the hotel or sit down somewhere, but it’s good to get a little exercise in & be outside.

3.If travelling overseas/east coast, bring your own smokes:
-If you’re a smoker like I am, it can get expensive it certain places. Always try and buy a couple extra packs where it’s cheap to avoid paying insane prices for a pack.

-Early on my kindle was a life saver. I got to read all the Game Of Throne books back to back at my convenience. Making the font bigger so I didn’t have to wear my reading glasses was a huge move. It’s not just books though, you can grab movies, tv shows, etc…

-You’re going to spend a lot of time in a vehicle with the same dudes, it’s time to get creative with your conversation topics and road trip games. Example: “Would you rather lose a pinky or spend two weeks in a maximum security prison”. …(i got these for days, people)

Keep up with the band on Facebook and Twitter!

Did you enjoy these tips? Do you think they would be useful while on tour? Let us know in the comments!

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