The Winter Sounds – DREAM TOUR

In this Dream Tour segment, the indie rock band, The Winter Sounds, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup.

The Winter Sounds – DREAM TOUR

In this Dream Tour segment, the indie rock band, The Winter Sounds, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

Patrick Keenan (Bass / Vocals)
The Futureheads released their self-titled debut LP in 2004 and I completely fell in love with every song. I thought it was a blast of energy and some kind of newly imagined post-punk renaissance. On the other side of the spectrum, the bleak and despondent Pedro the Lion album ‘Control’ was released in early 2003, but I probably didn’t discover it till 2004. So, my dream tour would feature both bands but have us right in the middle – not because we deserve it, but because its the DREAM TOUR! (Oh, and we’re releasing ‘Maximum Reality’ in this alternate universe as well in 2004). We’re in the middle because ‘Control’ is so cathartic and after Pedro’s set, everyone is broken and vulnerable. Winter Sounds are inspired by Bazan and crew and we channel this emotion into our songs which work to bridge the gap between the two poles. By the time our set is done, this dream tour/psychological experiment is ready to catalyze a new life and the Futureheads kick off their set with the explosive ‘Meantime’ and its all party bangers after that. (Special guest appearance by 2001’s Andrew W.K).
2004 is happily when I met my wife, so probably anything I listened to back then would come to occupy the same space as some of my best memories. But, I still listen to these albums to this day and think of how groundbreaking they were, even though they were so different. Bazan has his sleepy melodic style (which slowly hooks you) and his raw emotive lyrics. The Futureheads do this A.D.D polyphonic burst of melody. Both bands have completely influenced my sound and style.
Corey DiBiase (Guitar / Backing Vocals)
My dream tour starts with a mobile kitchen, a surplus of avocados, and a universal gym membership. Granted these few luxuries, every day on the road could feel downright dreamy. I’ve come to appreciate consistency and predictability, a good meal and a run every day, and I’d even extend these qualities to the stage in my fantasy tour. If I could, I would throw The Winter Sounds on a bill with modern day Pearl Jam. Everything that might have once been abrasive or rough about this legacy act has become endearingly soft and welcoming. They just know how to make a crowd feel good about being at a concert, how to make you want to hug strangers. It’s a wholesome show, and I want to be a part of it.

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