In this Preshow Rituals segment, the indie pop artist, Thehiz, reveals what he does before taking the stage.

In this Preshow Rituals segment, the indie pop artist, Thehiz, reveals what he does before taking the stage. You can check out the rituals, after the break.
As far as live shows go, they are where the songs come alive. In fact, almost every song I’ve written, I’ve written literally imagining myself playing it live. I do this silly thing with almost every song, where I sing/play in front of the mirror, imagining that I’m playing it live. Seeing people enjoy your music and create those special moments with you on stage is one of the most rewarding things to experience as an artist.
Before shows, I like to hop off the stage and to try and get a picture of what people are seeing from the FOH. Imagining myself on the stage from the audience’s perspective helps me cherish my journey so far as an artist, and reminds me of what I’m there to do. It reminds me that the show is not about me— that I’m only a part of it. Honestly, I’m here to serve the people. I want people to have the best time. I want them to get lost in the beauty of these songs that mean so much to me, and leave the venue better than they came in.
Another thing I (try) do is take a good mental note of the stage setup, especially where all of the potential tripping hazards are. I’ll just say, this is because I’m known to have caused a few minor catastrophes on stage. LOL, What can I say? I get so lost in the music, that I forget to look where I’m going. So, this one is quite important.
One thing that I always make sure to do before a show is pray. I pray for the set, for my people in the audience, for the crew, and for anyone involved. Ultimately, I pray for everything to go well, and people to be freed of any negativity, and to feel some hope during my show. If in any way, my show makes someone smile, I know that it’s a success, even if it doesn’t go as perfectly as I planned.