In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, Ash Maugham of the rock band, True Heights, talks about some of their crazy moments from touring.


In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, Ash Maugham of the rock band, True Heights, talks about some of their crazy moments from touring. You can check out the feature, after the break.

Oh boy! Amongst many stories I would say, one of the craziest / hardest drives back from tour of late must have been our time in Amsterdam on a small European leg.
We’d played to a Dutch audience at a rad festival in the countryside. It was super cold and the festival was inside huge warehouses! It was incredible with tons going on! Included was an extremely free booze packed backstage area. – Needless to say, we took full advantage of this. Mega!
We must have wiggled our asses back to the hotel after the show at god knows what time, with numerous people from the festival. It was amazing!
The next day however in a rush back towards the border to catch our boat home, we decided, in a slightly glazed state to stop for Omelette’s and crisps or something super mad like that !?!?!? (Hangovers make people weird man…!) I remember myself having a chocolate milkshake with salt and vinegar crisps at the same time.
But in a rush for this salt based/omelet infused/chocolate hangover fuelled mania, we forgot to take into account a 3.5-meter high underground parking lot with our 4-meter high tour van! The sound was horrific. The biggest metal crunching hangover killing sound ever!
SHIT-A-DICK! We’d crushed the fucking roof and mashed the poor thing!!
– Luckily all vehicles drive from the bottom which is nice! It was rented and so had to be given back in this poor mashed state!!
Moral of the story… Get your salt based, omelet infused, chocolate hangover fix before you hit the fucking road guys!!
Ash Maugham – Bass player for TrueHeights x

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