Twelve24 – TOUR TIPS
In this Tour Tips segment, the pop/EDM band, Twelve24, give you their tips for being on tour.

In this Tour Tips segment, the pop/EDM band, Twelve24, give you their tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.
1. Only pack 2 pairs of pants: The chances are if you’re on tour it doesn’t really matter if you’re wearing the same pair of pants every day because you’re never in one place long enough for someone to notice you’ve had the same jeans on for a month! Plus if you need to you can just wash them at someone’s house if you’re super desperate.
2. Roll your clothes when packing them in your suitcase: It’s hard enough to pack only the essentials let alone bring all your stage clothes as well. This makes packing all that you need a tricky situation! That’s why you have to adopt the fold + roll combo. It’s a guaranteed way to double your capacity of outfits options.
3. Don’t eat bread or potatoes…….only rice and pasta! It’s so hard to stay healthy on the road and there really isn’t any way to maintain a great diet unless your Jay Z and you have a huge budget for catering. Our general rule that we’ve been sticking to and has been working for us is we don’t eat bread or potatoes and keep our carb intake strictly coming from pasta and rice (brown if you care enough to be that fussy) other then that we just limit how much soda and sugar we consume on a daily and we’re all good for a killer show!
4. Always check every airline that you fly with for the baggage allowance: just because the outgoing flight lets you take on two carry-ons doesn’t mean the connecting flight or return flight back will as well. It’s the absolute worst thing ever to get to the check-in and find out you not only have too much stuff but you also have the worst check in assistant ever who looks like they want to kill you – refuses every bit of charm you have to let it slide hitting you with a big fee if you want to take both bags! Do your homework and you’ll be all good!
5. Get an international data plan: most phone contracts have them now but it’s well worth getting even just a little bit of data for when your stuck in another country needing to contact the venue or your driver…..whatever the crisis may be. Just make sure you don’t use it all up on your Facebook & Instagram feed… Josh!