In this Preshow Rituals segment, Ross McNae of the alternative rock band, Twin Atlantic, share what they do before every show. You can check out their rituals, after the break.

In this Preshow Rituals segment, Ross McNae of the alternative rock band, Twin Atlantic, share what they do before every show. You can check out their rituals, after the break.
About seven years ago, way back in the beginner’s footsteps of Twin Atlantic, I tried to get the boys to meditate with me before we played a show. This went on for a good number of days until they eventually humored me. Somehow out of that experiment came the notion of touching foreheads, which evolved into touching our foreheads together three times with each other member while standing in a circle, our arms round one another in silence. I have no real reason to believe that it adds anything to the show other than getting us all together for a second and focused, but who would dare to break the habit?
Our drummer Craig warms his hands up with a pad in the dressing room for an hour or so before, and our singer Sam has about an hour of a vocal warm-up that he sticks to pretty religiously to avoid blowing his voice out on those higher notes. I seem to walk around aimlessly for this hour avoiding the noise. I usually feel uncomfortable and that we are an annoyance because of all this pre-show noise so it makes me feel quite stressed out.
I don’t do any sort of warm up at all. Our guitar player Barry has a nice little beauty regime that is rounded off with a re-waxing of the hair and a mouthwash so he’s both feeling and looking extra fly – The ladies haven’t paid to see him any way other than perfect. The spitting out of the mouthwash moment signals the start of the huddle / forehead experiment mentioned above. Then the lights go down.

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