In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, Karah James of the indie pop band, Valley, shares a few of their wild stories from being on the road.


In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, Karah James of the indie pop band, Valley, shares a few of their wild stories from being on the road. You can check out their stories and stream their newest single, Push For Yellow (Shelter), after the break.

Back in 2016, we did a tour across Canada. We were driving through rural British Columbia and we decided to stop on the side of the road to take pictures of the beautiful mountains and scenery. After spending some time on some of the rolling hills and taking photos, we saw that on the other side of the road there was an old antique car junkyard. So naturally, we crossed the road and started to explore this deserted yard. There were some really interesting antique cars from the 50’s-80’s and some old VW Westfalia’s and buses. We started taking more photos and really exploring the property. After spending about 10 minutes exploring, our tour manager had called us back to the bus we left parked on the side of the road. So we started running from the property back to the bus, running just because it was a wide open space and we had been sitting for so long. However, that’s not what the family inside of the little house hidden on the property thought we were running from. This family had been watching us the whole time and had called the cops on us because as it turns out it wasn’t a junkyard at all, it was their backyard… and OF COURSE the second the cops start pulling up we are coincidentally running off of the property back to an all black tinted bus looking very guilty as if we were stealing stuff of her property. We then realized that the property owners and the cops were walking toward us and our tour manager. We stopped dead in our tracks and a rush of anxiety overwhelmed us. We had no idea what to do, we ended up panicking and sprinting back on the bus and putting our hoods up before the cops and the very angry family got to us. Mike (VALLEY guitarist) and our tour manager ended up sweet talking the cops for like 20 mins and finally got us out of a hefty trespassing fine. All I can say is that we ended up getting some really sick photos out of it and if you’re the family reading this, thanks for keeping things interesting!

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