Vertigo – DREAM TOUR
In this Dream Tour segment, the pop rock band, Vertigo, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup.

In this Dream Tour segment, the pop rock band, Vertigo, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.
Across the board, Vertigo has some very diverse musical taste. Every member of the band is into different styles of music and draws inspiration and enjoyment from many different artists and genres. So that being said, a dream tour where we all get what we want would be a very strange, but incredible lineup. We’ll go in order and let everyone pick their dream tour mate/mates here.
Jesse Gruber (Vocals): My dream tour would definitely be with Marianas Trench. There’s just something about that band that inspires me so much, I have loved them ever since I first heard them in 2008. Singing their songs has helped me shape my voice into what it is today, with the vocal runs and the falsetto. We played with them at Mr. Smalls Theater in Pittsburgh back in 2016, and I rode the high of sharing the stage with them for days and days after the show happened. I can’t even begin to imagine what it would be like to tour the country with them, but I know I definitely would like to find out.
Tyler Knatz (Drums): I would say my dream tour mate would be Justin Timberlake. Ever since I was really little I always admired his music. N’SYNC was even the first concert I ever went to. How he developed as an artist over his career, his showmanship, and musical talent has just always been incredible and extremely inspiring to me as a musician, and in the music industry. Being able to share a stage with him every night for a couple weeks would be the craziest thing I could imagine.
Brenden Kucik (Bass): For me, I would say a dream tour mate would be Two Door Cinema Club. I think that they’re a band who really puts on a tight, clean live show, with killer lights and production, they’ve just got it all. I ran crew for a TDCC show as a stagehand once, and getting to see how perfect everything works, all the parts of their team perfectly coming together, it really blew me away. In a lot of ways, they’re an example of what I hope Vertigo’s live show will be one day, so I’d have to say it would be awesome to tour with them and get to see it all happen each day and learn from them.
Tyler Riggle (Keyboards): I would say my dream tour would be with Young the Giant. I think that our two styles would create a banger of a show and just be a great time overall to hang with those guys. I’ve taken a lot of inspiration from their drumming/synth styles and learning their music has really helped me develop myself as a musician.
Tyler Fanell (Guitar): If we were able to tour with any artist, a few come to mind right away. Chance the Rapper, A Tribe Called Quest, and Kendrick Lamar for sure, and a band called Hiatus Kaiyote. I picked Chance because I draw a lot of influence from the gospel-infused beats in his music, especially “Coloring Book”, and he’s an artist with an infectiously positive message. His live performance is stellar as well, and it’s easy to tell how passionate he is about what he does and I really respect that. Kendrick made my list because he’s killing the game right now, and his live performances look WILD, so that would be dope to be a part of. I picked Hiatus Kaiyote because I’m really in their music and pick up a lot of stuff from what they do musically. They were a direct inspiration for me when I was writing a lot of stuff for “Andromeda”, so I think it would cool to be able to tour with them for that reason. The reasoning for A Tribe Called Quest is because they’re one of my favorite groups of all time and being able to see them perform every night would be insane.
So altogether, if Vertigo got our way, we would be opening for Chance the Rapper, A Tribe Called Quest, Kendrick Lamar, Justin Timberlake, Two Door Cinema Club, Young The Giant, and Marianas Trench. That sounds like the first round of artists announced for a killer festival, so someone should get on that real quick, and let us in on it!
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(Photo credit: Kyle Hines)