Vian Izak – DREAM TOUR

In this Dream Tour segment, the alternative band, Vian Izak, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

Vian Izak – DREAM TOUR

In this Dream Tour segment, the alternative band, Vian Izak, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

This project explores how technology and music interact to create meaningful connections. We explore ways for the audience to interact with us using technology. My brother Hein, an illustrator, and I promoted our last release with a campaign titled The World’s First North Pole Concert. We had fans take selfies and then we illustrated them into a music video of a fantasy show at the North Pole. We didn’t think it would get a big response but we received hundreds of selfies and eventually had to cap it as my brother was not going to have time to illustrate all the fans.
There are a few artists that combine visual media with music. My favorite artists that do this would be the Gorillaz and Imogen Heap. I would absolutely love to tour with them. The Gorillaz, conceptually, are a big influence on what we do. We have no band photos but instead have illustrated characters that perform in fantasy worlds. For us, this is a powerful storytelling tool as we can include whatever we want to convey a point; a giant snow rhino or a concert at the north pole.
Imogen Heap is a tech genius and someone I respect greatly. She engineers all her own music which is what initially inspired me to do the same. I followed her last release as she posted video blogs weekly as she was writing and creating. That’s pretty brave in my opinion as I’m a bit more private when it comes to creating. I’ve heard her live shows are amazing as she has these gloves that are integrated with her music. She plays in the air with the gloves and music happens. I would love to just pick her brain on combining technology and music. She’s one of the brilliant minds of our time I believe.
My hope is to tour in the next few months regardless of who comes with me. However, I would need to speak to the Gorillaz as I’m unsure of how to perform when the fans only know me as an illustrated character.

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