In this First Concert Ever segment, the alternative rock band, Warbly Jets, talk about their first concerts ever.


In this First Concert Ever segment, the alternative rock band, Warbly Jets, talk about their first concerts ever. You can check out the feature, after the break.

My first concert was a band called Mutemath. Not a band I am at all interested in at this point in my life, but I remember being very excited to see them with my brother and sister and their friends when I was growing up. They put on a very raucous show in a mid-sized club in Charlotte, North Carolina (where I grew up) that consisted of backflips over keyboards and the smashing fluorescent lights with guitars that started fires on stage. It was something I’ll never forget and really was the first thing I ever saw that made me want to do what we do.
My first concert that I actually paid for and went to with some friends of mine probably has to be Muse in mid-2000’s. They were riding a really long tour on the back of Absolution which was a huge record at the time to me and all my friends. I remember they opened the show with “Hysteria”, storming the stage with strobes and heavy blue lights everywhere. That bass line in a basketball arena is no joke, people went apeshit immediately and I definitely felt it as well. The whole experience really opened my eyes to the energy that comes with being at a live music event. Say what you want about their music now, it’s not really stuff I actively listen to anymore, but they put on an incredible show and are pretty damn good at what they do.
Pretty sure my first big concert was Weird Al at the Arizona state fair. That explains a lot about me. But my first real rock show was Rage Against the Machine in December of 1999 on their Battle of Los Angeles tour. They sold out America West Arena (home of the Suns) and when they dropped the backdrop it said Battle of Phoenix. It’s a bit corny to think of now, but it worked and the place went completely wild. People were climbing down from the mezzanine, hanging, jumping, anything they could do to get to the floor pit. I never saw anything like it before or since. It was like a zombie horde hungry for brains, straight out of world war Z.

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