Join us as Wolf & Chain's Jack Cumes shares his first concert experience.

In this First Concert Ever segment, Jack Cumes, of the alternative rock band, Wolf & Chain, talks about the story of his first experience with live music. You can check out the story below:
The first concert I ever went to growing up was Green Day. I was probably 12 or 13 and I went with my Dad and my Brother (Killed by Cupid, who also just launched a brand new single too!).
We grew up in Hong Kong so we got to see them there on the 21st Century Breakdown tour. I was a kid so I honestly had no idea what to expect. They came out and absolutely dominated the stage, it was such a huge spectacle, everyone was in awe. Needless to say, the experience was life changing and sparked a passion for music that’s been burning ever since.
I remember the feeling so clearly of walking away after that show. I was absolutely fixated on that whole idea of performing and taking music to that live setting. I was so new to music and performing, so to see a show like that, it was truly inspiring.
Going with my Dad and my Brother as well, it was really special, it really made me think about how music can impact people and bring them together. I always pin point that show in my mind as something life changing.
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