The Wytches – TOUR TIPS
In this Tour Tips segment, Dan Rumsey of the alternative rock band, The Wytches, gives you his tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.

In this Tour Tips segment, Dan Rumsey of the alternative rock band, The Wytches, gives you his tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.
1: Take a book – Tour is exciting, the thought of spending a few weeks away with your mates is great. How fun! But just wait till half way when you’re into your 7th hour of driving that day. You are gonna be bored outta your mind, so you’ll be grateful for a story you can get lost in for a bit.
2: Don’t drink too much water straight after a service station stop – You’ll just need to stop again within half an hour, and your tour manager will get pissed off and you may piss yourself.
3: Learn everyone’s name, working at the venue – It’s just polite. How many sound engineers have you met in the past called ‘sound guy?’ If it’s one or more then stop being a prick.
4: Do merch – Spend just 20 minutes to half hour on merch after the show, then relax. It’s great to meet fans and you’ll probably sell more shirts too if it’s coming directly from you.
5: Make sure your gear works – Get your guitar set-up properly before the tour. It’ll sound awful otherwise. Oh and here’s one extra tip for free… DON’T leave your guitars in the van overnight. Take them into the hotel. Don’t learn the hard way.
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