Yeti Tactics – DREAM TOUR
In this Dream Tour segment, the alternative duo, Yeti Tactics, tells you about their ultimate tour lineup.

In this Dream Tour segment, the alternative duo, Yeti Tactics, tells you about their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out their picks and stream their newest single, “Ivory Tower”, after the break.
My dream tour would be to hit the road with Mutemath and Incubus. Aside from being able to see them do their thing every night, I feel like I would learn the most from being around both of these groups night in and night out.
To be able to see how Mike from Incubus assembles his rig, from pedals to guitar and amp combinations would be enough knowledge to last a lifetime. Not only is his tone and effect chain impressive, but the way he writes his parts is absolutely stunning.
Both bands have some of the best drummers to ever play rock and roll. Darren and Jose bring exactly what I like most about drums to the stage. Energy, finesse, and crazy grooves. In my mind, if we all toured together, the two of them would jump up and do a drum off at the end of every night.
When it comes to creating soundscapes and recreating them on stage with analog equipment, no one does it better than Paul and the rest of the guys in Mutemath.
Brandon is my all-time favorite lyricist and I’d love to see what type of rituals and practices he takes with him on the road to be able to continue to enhance his perspective and the way he delivers his message.
They all seem like great dudes with more knowledge and skills than I would know what do with, so for those reasons, that would be my dream tour experience.