Honeymoon Disease – TOUR TIPS
In this Tour Tips segment, the rock ‘n roll band, Honeymoon Disease, gives you their tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.

In this Tour Tips segment, the rock ‘n roll band, Honeymoon Disease, gives you their tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.
1. Help each other out: Help each other remember to get their instruments and gear after the show. Even though you’re a guitar player, keep your eyes on the drummers stuff too. There’s no fun at all when you or your bandmember forgets something after the show. You really don’t have the time to go back on tour. And if you help each other out to remember these things, everyone’s gonna be happy campers!
2. Emergency kit: You and your people have cravings. We all know it. So just to make things easier during a tour, stash up with all that stuff that really makes your touring life a little bit better place to live in. Stuff like chocolate, your favourite chewing gums or magazines would absolutely do it!
3. Personal stuff: Guess we all get a little bit homesick during a tour. So why not bringing your own cozy pillow, your coolest pair of sunglasses or your own Pippi Longstocking coffee mug? A great idea!
4. Updated GPS: This one is really important, in a good way of course. No one wants to be lost on tour. You always have a tight schedule to work with, so, getting lost on the roads in South America is not a good way to fill up your schedule with.
5. Do not party hard the first night: We might risk sounding like party poopers here, but this one can be a real trap! The first night you always want to celebrate, of course! It’s your first night on tour! But it’s not fun to wake up the day after, hungover, and realize that your next gig starts in 3 hours… So wait a bit, it’s not dangerous to be “just” tipsy the first night and party hard the last show instead!
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