This crazy story from the road was written by the rock band, Horisont. You can check out their story, after the break.

This crazy story from the road was written by the rock band, Horisont. You can check out their story, after the break.
During early spring in 2012 we supported Graveyard for a two-week tour around Europe. Because the pay for an opening act is so lousy we decided to rent a camper van on a second-hand market site in Sweden. It was a pretty crappy camper and nothing much was working like it was supposed to. Because the camper started shaking furiously as soon as you passed 90 km/h, we always had to start riding towards the next show really early in the morning. On one of those mornings, after playing a show in Manchester, we were heading to the northern parts of Britain. The crappy storage compartment of the camper had broken so we had all the gear scattered all around in our beds, on the seats and lying on the floor. Everybody was still asleep, with the exception of our driver of course. We all woke up when we heard a loud explosion. It turned out one of the rear wheels exploded and the driver lost control of the steering, going all over the road with guitars and cymbals flying around inside. I remember thinking ”this is going to hurt” right before we drove off the road and crashed into a ditch. Luckily we all got away with minor heart attacks and some bruises. Shortly after the accident a police on a motorcycle drove past and helped us escort the camper to the nearest village. We went to have a few beers to calm down and a couple of hours later, we were on the road again.