Jeremiah Tall – TOUR TIPS
This new set of Tour Tips was written by the singer songwriter, Jeremiah Tall. You can check out his tips for being on the road, after the break.

This new set of Tour Tips was written by the singer songwriter, Jeremiah Tall. You can check out his tips for being on the road, after the break.
Be patient: If you have done your fair share of touring/traveling, you know that things rarely go as you plan. When things change unexpectedly, be patient with one another. Traveling in a packed car or van leave very little room for personal space. Don’t let these things get the best of you. Remember you’re all on the same team, traveling for the same dream.
Share the radio: One of the best ways to pass the time between stops is to listen to your favorite music or podcasts. Everyone has a favorite and an opinion. Be fair and share. Taking turns with what you listen to and when.
Allow for plenty of time to get from one place to the next: With technology changing, we all rely on our GPS to get us from place to place. Always add time to your GPS’s estimated arrival time. You never know what lies ahead and what may hold you up on the road. It’s best to be early then to rush and be unsafe.
Have something fun to do to pass the time: There will always be downtime. Bring something fun to do that will help pass the down time in your tour schedule. I sometimes like to bring a 3DS along with a few of my favorite games. That will keep my occupied and it is a small pack with big options!
Always bring enough toiletries: Any extended time on the road can take its toll on your hygiene. Make sure you bring these small things that can make a huge difference in making you feel human. I know this sounds like it’s straight from your mom’s mouth, but it works!
Keep up with Jeremiah Tall on Twitter and Facebook!
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