Julia Nunes – TOUR TIPS
In this Tour Tips segment, the singer-songwriter, Julia Nunes, gives you some advice for being on the road. You can check out the feature, after the break.

In this Tour Tips segment, the singer-songwriter, Julia Nunes, gives you some advice for being on the road. You can check out the feature, after the break.
1. Tour with people you love. There is no closer comparison to summer camp than touring with your best friends. Make the road the longest sleepover ever.
2. Pack light. The less you have, the easier it is to stay organized and what good is all that extra stuff if you can’t even find it? I used to tear my suitcase apart looking for my fave shirt, now I just bring my 2 favorite shirts and it’s easy. (This doesn’t apply to underwear. Bring all of it. Every pair you own)
3. Drink so much water. I know. I know pee stops are annoying but water is so essential for vocal chords and muscles and overall health things so just suck it up and hold it in. This is a great lead into #4
4. Pee every time you get the chance, regardless of urge. It’s a good habit that will save you from clench-waddling into your venue.
5. Eat real food. Food can be your medicine or your poison (- a paraphrased Ann Wigmore quote) and there’re so many delicious healthy things, you just have to find them. Read the ingredients of what you’re eating, try plantain chips, they’re dope.
6. Play games. Get a ball to toss around, teach everyone a card game, make whoever is driving incorporate 3 random words of your choosing when they talk to the toll both person. This one goes along with #1.
7. Be grateful. I’m so lucky to make a living playing music. It’s incredible and it’s a team effort. Make it a point to thank anyone who is a part of your pursuit of happiness.
Julia’s new album, Some Feelings, is available now on iTunes.
Keep up with the artist on Facebook and Twitter!
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