Black Tongue Drops Off “Ashes to Ashes Tour”
The metal band, Black Tongue, have dropped off the U.S. “Ashes to Ashes Tour,” with Chelsea Grin, Carnifex, Sworn In and The Family Ruin, due to front-man, Alex Teyen, being injured in Poland after he walked off their moving tour bus….

The metal band, Black Tongue, have dropped off the U.S. “Ashes to Ashes Tour,” with Chelsea Grin, Carnifex, Sworn In and The Family Ruin, due to front-man, Alex Teyen, being injured in Poland after he walked off their moving tour bus. You can check out a statement from the band, after the break.
From the band’s Facebook page: “Unfortunately this last month we have had to pull off of The Ashes to Ashes Tour due to an accident that happened on the road. We were hoping to be back 100% by the time the american tour started but it is not going to happen. We don’t want to go back to America until we are 100% again and we PROMISE we will be out there soon. We are already working on make up dates.“