Nikki’s Wives – TOUR TIPS
In this Tour Tips segment, the alternative pop band, Nikki’s Wives, give you some advice for being on the road. You can check out the feature, after the break.

In this Tour Tips segment, the alternative pop band, Nikki’s Wives, give you some advice for being on the road. You can check out the feature, after the break.
1) Bring a place to store your dirty clothes between trips to the laundromat. Dirty clothes make your clean clothes stink, and it’s a pain in the ass fully packing and unpacking your bags every night.
2) Prepare yourself for being bored. Books, video games, play guitar, beer, whatever – just be ready to do a ton of waiting around. Also, know when you’ll have to be doing the waiting. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat around for two hours unexpectedly, staring at the wall.
3) Try your best to fill your days with productive stuff. Visit local college or commercial radio stations, try to book interviews, meet people at local music stores. Make friends with everyone.
4) Rotate out of the terrible sleeping spots. Your band mates might seem like they’re being polite by sleeping on the floor every night, but deep down they hate you.
5) Learn how to troubleshoot technical problems. On tour, you’re bound to run into some problems. Sometimes they’ll seem like yours, when in reality they’re a problem with the venue. Learn how to trace back to the source of the problem so you don’t find yourself buying new gear, or panicking about broken gear. Half the time the sound guy blew a breaker last night and didn’t notice. 100% of the time he will blame your gear.
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