Ray Suhy – TOUR TIPS
In this Tour Tips segment, the guitarist, Ray Suhy (of Suhy, Silvergold & Alvarado), gives you some advice for being on the road. You can check out the feature, after the break.

In this Tour Tips segment, the guitarist, Ray Suhy (of Suhy, Silvergold & Alvarado), gives you some advice for being on the road. You can check out the feature, after the break.
1.) Sleep as much as possible….wherever you can.
Getting enough sleep on the road is nearly impossible. Nap every chance you get…wherever you can. I once toured with a guy who’d nap underneath pool tables at venues. Whenever the van is moving, I base out. If you can’t sleep in a moving vehicle that well, crash out in the venue or the van for a bit after load in.
2.) Fresh socks!
Lt. Dan in Forrest Gump was right about this. I can go a few days in the same jeans and even in the same shirt, but wearing the same sweaty socks for 3 days in a row is a recipe for the foot funk (Athletes Foot). Pack more socks then you’ll think you need just in case a laundry day doesn’t happen for a while. (Side note: keep some foot powder in the van to help keep your footwear fresh)
3.) Dr Bronner’s liquid soap and Baby Wipes.
These will keep you above a scumbag level of filth on the road. Baby wipes and Bronner’s can provide quick rest stop “showers” to keep the dude stink away if you can’t get a shower for a few days.
4.) Talk to EVERYONE.
Be cool and talk to everyone. Sound engineers, door guys, opening bands…..even if you think they’re horrible. You never know what connection you could make or who might be able to get you a gig or help out down the road. Be aware of punishers and T-1000’s who will drain your time away, though! Always have a “call to make” or some “band business to figure out” so that you can make a clean getaway.
5.) Hydrate
This is an easy one to forget about. Especially with all the “hydrating” you’re doing with PBR and vodka. Whenever we arrive at the venue I’ll drink as much water as possible until we go on and a ton after we finish playing as well. This will stave away cramps and ease the dreaded “tour constipation” that happens from all the crappy food you’ll be eating.
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