Seth Glier – TOUR TIPS
This new set of Tour Tips was written by the folk singer songwriter, Seth Glier. You can check out his tips for being on the road, after the break.
This new set of Tour Tips was written by the folk singer songwriter, Seth Glier. You can check out his tips for being on the road, after the break.
1. Mindset: Stay positive and productive. There’s a lot of down time on the road. It’s important to have something healthy to occupy your time.
2.Communicate: Your band is your family and living together on the road is pretty much one of the most intimate experience any relationship can endure. If there is an issue, bring it up! Bring it up compassionately but don’t let issues sit, fester, and build. There is nothing more disruptive to a tour than resentment. Be honest, be nice, and pay attention to one another.
3. Gratitude: Remind yourself how lucky you are to be doing this. You have a job that brings you around the world. You get to bring joy into people’s lives and you get paid to do so. It’s pretty amazing! Remind yourself every day that this is a gift. It’ll translate on stage to your audience too.
4. Talk to everyone: Local food, interests, other venues to be playing.
5. Melatonin: I personally stay alive with this stuff. I have a hard time falling asleep after a big show because my energy is buzzing and the adrenaline keeps my head spinning. When I do have 6 or 7 solid uninterrupted hours to sleep, I need it.
Keep up with Seth Glier on Twitter and Facebook!
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