Spring.me Verifies Digital Tour Bus’ Account / Ask Us Anything
We are very happy to announce that we’ve teamed up with the awesome team at Spring.me (formerly Formspring) to not only allow all of you DTB fans/viewers to ask us your burning questions for us, but to verify our account.
We are very happy to announce that we’ve teamed up with the awesome team at Spring.me (formerly Formspring) to not only allow all of you DTB fans/viewers to ask us your burning questions for us, but to verify our account.
The verification symbol lets you know that it is an official Digital Tour Bus account and that you’re getting information directly from us!
We will be answering your questions for us and proposing questions to all of our fans to give your input, on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis, so be the first to know by following our account here.
If you have any questions for us, feel free to ask, especially about topics including: music, bands, artists, touring, news, etc. We will not be answering questions that we think are hateful, racist or harmful, in any way.
Also, feel free to use the widget at the bottom of this post to ask us questions. They will go right into our inbox and we will get to them as soon as possible!