Features WILD's Wes Johnson - GEAR MASTERS (Revisited) Ep. 148 [VIDEO] Join us as WILD's Wes Johnson shows off his bass guitar gear.
Features Eli Lev - CRAZY TOUR STORIES Join us as Eli Lev shares one of his crazy stories from being on tour.
Dream Tour Katherine Fischer – DREAM TOUR In this Dream Tour segment, the singer-songwriter, Katherine Fischer, reveals who she would want on her ultimate tour lineup.
Carsie Blanton Carsie Blanton – CRAZY TOUR STORIES In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the folk pop artist, Carsie Blanton, shares one of her stories from being on the road.
Features Megan Davies – FIRST CONCERT EVER Ep. 277 [VIDEO] On this episode of DTB’s “First Concert Ever”, the singer-songwriter, Megan Davies, chats about the first concert she ever went to, while on tour with Boyce Avenue and Madilyn Bailey.
Dream Tour Russ Parrish – DREAM TOUR In this Dream Tour segment, the folk pop artist, Russ Parrish, reveals who he would want on his ultimate tour lineup.
Crazy Tour Stories Mighty Oaks – CRAZY TOUR STORIES In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the folk pop band, Mighty Oaks, shares one of their stories from being on the road.
Features Morgan – TOUR TIPS In this Tour Tips segment, the folk pop band, Morgan, recommends advice for being a musician on the road.
Cooking at 65mph Judah & The Lion Makes the Perfect Cup of Coffee – COOKING AT 65MPH Ep. 41 [VIDEO] On this episode of DTB’s “Cooking at 65mph”, the folk pop band, Judah & The Lion, prepares the perfect cup of coffee on their bus, while on their “Pep Talks Worldwide Tour”.
Bus Invaders Judah & The Lion – BUS INVADERS Ep. 1541 [VIDEO] On this episode of DTB’s “Bus Invaders”, we take you inside the touring vehicle of the folk pop band, Judah & The Lion, while on their “Pep Talks Worldwide Tour”.
Features Parkville – PRESHOW RITUALS In this Preshow Rituals segment, the folk pop band, Parkville, reveals what they do before taking the stage.
Crazy Tour Stories Fox and Bones – CRAZY TOUR STORIES In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the folk pop duo, Fox and Bones, share one of their stories from being on the road.
Crazy Tour Stories Smith & Thell – CRAZY TOUR STORIES In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the folk pop duo, Smith & Thell, tells you about one of their stories from being on tour.
Folk Pop Vance Joy Announces the “Nation of Two Tour” The folk pop artist, Vance Joy, has announced a North American tour, called the “Nation of Two Tour”, for April through July.
Dream Tour Jenny & The Scallywags – DREAM TOUR In this Dream Tour segment, the folk pop band, Jenny & The Scallywags, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup.
Crazy Tour Stories Peridot – CRAZY TOUR STORIES In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the folk pop band, Peridot, talk about some of their crazy moments from touring.
Features Keston Cobblers Club – PRESHOW RITUALS In this Preshow Rituals segment, the folk pop band, Keston Cobblers Club, share what they do before every show.
Features Stars and Rabbit – TOUR TIPS In this Tour Tips segment, the folk pop duo, Stars and Rabbit, give you their tips for being on tour. You can check out the feature, after the break.
Captain Dipper & The Strawberry Girl Captain Dipper & The Strawberry Girl – DREAM TOUR In this Dream Tour segment, the folk pop band, Captain Dipper & The Strawberry Girl, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.
Features Jenny & Tyler – TOUR TIPS (Top 5) Ep. 516 [VIDEO] On this episode of DTB’s “Tour Tips (Top 5)”, the folk/pop duo, Jenny & Tyler, recommends their tips for being on tour. Jenny & Tyler is best known for their songs “This is Just So Beautiful” and “Faint Not”. You…
Bus Invaders Jenny & Tyler – BUS INVADERS Ep. 960 [VIDEO] On this episode of DTB’s “Bus Invaders”, we take you inside the touring vehicle of the folk/pop duo, Jenny & Tyler, while on their fall U.S. tour. You can watch the video, after the break.
Folk Pop Vance Joy Announces Australian “Fire and the Flood Tour” The folk-pop artist, Vance Joy, has announced an Australian tour, called the “Fire and the Flood Tour,” for April. Holy Holy will be joining the tour, as support. You can check out the dates, details and poster, after the break.
Dream Tour Jenny & Tyler – DREAM TOUR Ep. 283 [VIDEO] In this Dream Tour video, the husband/wife folk pop duo, Jenny & Tyler, discuss their ultimate tour lineup. You can watch the video, after the break.