Features Nervosa - BUS INVADERS Ep. 2007 [VIDEO] Join us as Nervosa takes you on a tour of their tour bus.
Features Nervosa’s Gabriela Abud - GEAR MASTERS Ep. 548 [VIDEO] Join us as Nervosa’s Gabriela Abud shows you all of the drum gear she uses on stage.
Features Nervosa's Helena Kotina - GEAR MASTERS Ep. 539 [VIDEO] Join us as Nervosa's Helena Kotina shows off the guitar gear that she uses on stage.
Features Nervosa's Prika Amaral - GEAR MASTERS Ep. 532 [VIDEO] Join us as Nervosa's Prika Amaral shows off the gear that she uses on stage.
Crazy Tour Stories Luana Dametto (of Crypta, ex- Nervosa) – CRAZY TOUR STORIES Ep. 932 [VIDEO] On this episode of DTB’s “Crazy Tour Stories”, the metal drummer, Luana Dametto (of Crypta, ex- Nervosa), shares crazy moments from touring.
Features Nervosa – PRESHOW RITUALS Ep. 544 [VIDEO] On this episode of DTB’s “Preshow Rituals”, the thrash metal band, Nervosa, talks about what they do before taking the stage.
Features Nervosa – TOUR PRANKS Ep. 471 [VIDEO] On this episode of DTB’s “Tour Pranks”, the thrash metal band, Nervosa, reveals the pranks they’ve pulled on tour.
Features Nervosa – FIRST CONCERT EVER Ep. 373 [VIDEO] On this episode of DTB’s “First Concert Ever”, the thrash metal band, Nervosa, chats about their first concert experiences.
Dream Tour Nervosa – DREAM TOUR Ep. 906 [VIDEO] On this episode of DTB’s “Dream Tour”, the thrash metal band, Nervosa, discusses their ultimate tour lineup.
Crazy Tour Stories Nervosa – CRAZY TOUR STORIES Ep. 802 [VIDEO] On this episode of DTB’s “Crazy Tour Stories”, the thrash metal band, Nervosa, shares crazy moments from touring.
Features Nervosa – TOUR TIPS (Top 5) Ep. 945 [VIDEO] On this episode of DTB’s “Tour Tips (Top 5)”, the thrash metal band, Nervosa, recommends their tips for being on tour.
Nervosa Nervosa Announces Summer North American Tour The thrash metal band, Nervosa, has announced a North American tour, for July and August. They will be touring in support of their latest album, Agony. You can check out the dates, details and poster, after the break.
Nervosa Nervosa Announce West Coast U.S. Tour The thrash metal band, Nervosa, have announced a West Coast U.S. tour, for February and March. You can check out the dates, details and poster, after the break.